Guitar repair

We offer professional full-service of guitars as repairs, set up, tuning and restoration. Our master luthier is Zoltan Tóth has over 20 years experience. Also he builds guitars for custom orders.

Official and warranty service of FURCH, MARTIN, COLLINGS, BOURGEOIS, TOM ANDERSON, DUESENBERG, EASTMAN and much more guitars in Hungary.

If You should make us to repair your instrument, first of all call us on 06-1-201-5700 or bring the instrument needs to repair to let us quote precisely and agree a term with You. Also you can ask quote online in email. If you are not living in Budapest Hungary, then we can collect your guitar from anywhere in Europe to our workshop and back to your home, it is not a problem. 

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Workshop opening hours are only weekdays 10-18.

About our Guitar Workshop executive:

Zoltán Tóth
He completed his studies in the Luthier Faculty of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music in 2001. The same year he opened his workshop. The workshop is part of Stageshop guitar retail store since year 2005. He has built mostly electric guitars with Tamás Deme under the brand name 'Amarant' until year 2007, since then he has been working alone. In addition to the daily minor repairs he specializes in the maintenance and restoration of high quality, vintage instruments. He is member of the organization ' Guild of American Luthiers' since 2013, and the Guild of the Hungarian instrument masters since its establishment. His works were presented in numerous exhibitions.

Our references:

Zoltan has already done repair jobs on many vintage Martin, Gibson, Fender, Gretsch and Rickenbacker guitars. Visit his Blog site here

...and few names of our clients have visited our workshop

Alex De Grassi, Al di Meola, Walter Lupi, Muriel Anderson, Heaven Street 7, Antifitness Club, Subscribe, Antoni Arnold, Rémember, Babos Gyula, Balatinácz Péter/Lavender Fields, Baranyi Gergely, Baricz Gergely, Bebe/Back To Black, Benkő Zsolt, Bérczesi Róbert/Hiperkarma, Birta Miklós, Bornemissza Ádám, Both Miklós/Napra, Bruce Lewis, CsanádiCha-Cha Krisztián, Csikós Attila, Csordás Tibor, Dajka Krisztián, Dandó Zoltán, Demeter György, Dian Róbert, Eged Márton, Egyházi Gábor, Molnár György Elefánt/Omega, Éliás Gyula, Erős Attila/Lord, Mátyás Attila/Sex Action, Fehérvári Attila/Special Providence, Fejér Simon, Fekete István/Carbonfools, Fenyvesi Márton, Kaukázus, Gabrieli Richárd, Zanzibár, Gajdacsi Gábor/Kartel, Geiger/Katalina Kicks, Brutal Boys, Gerendás Péter, Gery/Twister, Gidófalvy Attila, Gijo, Gryllus Vilmos, Günsberger Ákos, Gyémánt Bálint, Heincz Gábor Biga, Homonyik Sándor, Hooligans, Hrutka Róbert, Huzella Péter, Imó, Jamie Winchester, Jankai Béla, Jeli András/Korog, Jero/Turbo, Jimbo/Warpigs, Jónás Vera, Jonathan C. Nelson, Juhász Gábor, Kalauz Attila, Kálloy Molnár Péter, Kalmus Felícián, Karácsony James/LGT, Kardos Dániel, Kenyeres András/Karmapolis, Kertész Csaba, Kertész Márton, Z. Kiss Zalán, Intim Torna Illegál, Knapik Tamás/Fiesta, Koczka László, Sexepil, Kollár Klemencz László/Kistehén, Komjáti Áron, Kóródi Tamás, Kovács Andor, Kovács Barna, Köteles István, Krulik Zoltán/Makám, Kukovecz Gábor, Küronya Miklós, László Attila, Lee Olivér, Leló/Deniz, Proof of Life, Lengyel Norbi, Ligeti György/Zagar, We are Rockstars, Littvay Levente, Lovasi András, Madarász Gábor, Magyar Attila, Magyar Zoltán, Makovics Dénes/Bikini, Mark, Menyhárt János Menyus, Mező Misi, Miksa, Neményi Csaba, Nemes Levente, Német Juci, Nikola Parov, Oláh Szabolcs, Párniczky András, Pély  Barna, Petruska András, Pribojszki Mátyás, Rácz Krisztián, Radványi Balázs/Kaláka, Rátóti Zoltán, Sáfár Öcsi, Sántha Gabesz, Sásdi Tamás, Sid, Katy Zee,Sidlovics Gábor, Sipeki Zoltán, Stumpf András, Sütő Márton, Svajcsik Kristóf/Mary Popkids, Szabó Attila/Csík, Szabó Tibi/Magna Cum Laude, Szabó Zé, Szabó Sándor, Szarka Gyula/Ghymes, Szász Feri, Szekeres Tamás, Szőke Mátyás, Takács Donát, Tari Botond/Fightclub, Tarján Pál, Tóbisz Tamás, Torják Dávid, Török Máté/Misztrál, Vígh Dávid, Udvarhelyi Gábor, Varga Janó/East, Végvári Ádám, Virághalmy Bálint/csodagyerek, Vörös Attila, Zámbó Tamás

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