250B linear Push Push switch tone pot

250B linear Push Push switch tone pot

250B linear (tone) Push Push switch tone pot. Compatible with METRIC sized knobs. It comes with 1 nut and 1 washer.
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    250B linear Push Push switch tone pot


    You can switch the wiring by just pushing instead of pinching a knob to prevent an error like volume-tone selection. No need to pinch a knob on switching, so you can even use hard-to-grip knobs like bell, hat or sombrero. You can switch the wiring while holding a pick.

    “When pushed down, the Selector interacts with the bottom 4 lugs (B-C-E-F).”
    B connects to C
    E connects to F
    “When pushed (again) to pop up, so it does with the top 4 lugs (A-B-D-E).”
    B connects to A
    E connects to D.
    As you can see, B and E stay connected.

    As four variations (250K A type, 250K B type, 500K A type and 500K B type) are available, you can connect and wire any pickups.
    A type : Audio taper
    B type : Linear taper


    Do remove knobs while the shaft is “UP”. Removing knobs while it’s “DOWN” might cause a damage.

    Switching Pot: Push/Push

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