Stringjoy Brights 13-56 80/20 Bronze Wound Medium acoustic guitar string set

Stringjoy Brights 13-56 80/20 Bronze Wound Medium acoustic guitar string set

Stringjoy Brights 13-56 80/20 Bronze Wound Medium acoustic guitar string set. Medium gauge Brights are perfect for those guitar players who want a big, warm, beefy tone out of their guitar that will project with plenty of volume and definition. Coupled with the brilliant top-end of Brights, these strings make for a super loud combo that can be heard by anyone within a five-mile radius.
18.61 Includes 21% VAT
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    Stringjoy Brights 13-56 80/20 Bronze Wound Medium acoustic guitar string set

    Brights feature an 80/20 Bronze alloy that gives your acoustic guitar the present, punchy, articulate tone it needs to cut through any mix like a hot knife through butter. Equally suited to fingerstyle and picked techniques, this is the perfect choice for any player that requires a crisp, brilliant top-end, with an equally vibrant low-end.

    Gauges: .013 – .017 – .025w – .034 – .044 – .056




    Number of Strings
    6 strings
    Acoustic guitar

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