NN502 5U4G (=5Ц3C / 5Z3S) Svetlana / NOS

NN502 5U4G (=5Ц3C / 5Z3S) Svetlana / NOS

NN502 5U4G (=5Ц3C / 5Z3S) Svetlana / NOS. Full wave rectifier tube, beautiful ST-shape bulb and black base.
29.54 Includes 23% VAT
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    Product Overview

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    NN502 5U4G (=5Ц3C / 5Z3S) Svetlana / NOS

    Made at the Svetlana factory St. Petersburg. Since Svetlana stopped producing glass tubes years ago these tube can be expected as NOS (New Old Stock).

    Tube Type:    5U4/5C3S/5Z3P/274B
    Socket:    Octal (8Pin)

    Tube types
    Rectifier tube
    Tube socket

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