5881WXT-R Premium Matched Tube Quartet TAD

5881WXT-R Premium Matched Tube Quartet TAD

TAD 5881WXT-R PREMIUM Matched Quartet(4pcs) valves. Same tube as 5881-R, but with longer base to fit the 6L6GC tube clamps as used by Fender®, Engl® etc.
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    5881WXT-R Premium Matched Tube Quartet TAD

    The popular TAD 5881WXT is a very dependable 6L6GC type tube with a more modern and aggressive character. It has slightly less power than a 6L6GC but has a special bite in the upper mid range, which allows your sound to cut through on stage. The 5881WXT is used in many of the recent Fender amps, but it is our recommendation for hard rock and low-tuned guitar playing.

    Used by Fender, Engl, Mesa Boogie etc.

    Tube types
    Power tube

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